A Letter from the Pastor
by Russell Kampfer
I am excited to introduce myself to Greater Wausau Christian Services and all of you. My name is Russell Kampfer and I’m currently the Pastor at St. Peter Luther Church on Del Rio Road in Wausau. I have been asked to work with GWCS as the Director of its jail ministry and elderly care ministries. I have accepted and plan to begin in September.
I grew up in Wausau and graduated from Wausau West in 1979. I went on to the University of Wisconsin Madison and graduated with a BS in Psychology. After some deliberation and “soul searching” I went on to attend Concordia Seminary in St. Louis in 1985. My first call was in 1990 to the Sion Lutheran Church in the Upper Peninsula. From there I went on to serve congregations throughout Wisconsin including Suring, Eau Claire and Wales.
I came back to Wausau to retire. But I still had a little left in the tank. I’m enjoying being back in my home town and the people at St. Peter have been so good to me. GWCS is another ministry I hope will grant me new ways to serve our Lord with the message of the Gospel. It’s great seeing old friends and acquaintances around Wausau. My hope is that serving GWCS will expand His kingdom through me in new and various ways.
Introducing Coffee Hours
by Sharon Michalski
GWCS is going to be hosting "Coffee Hours" at participating churches. What is it? A Fellowship Hour ... different churches call this different things. Many churches have a time between services on Sunday where coffee and treats are served.
That’s where GWCS comes in. Members, or a committee help serve at these events. GWCS is going to begin circulating among our supporting churches every other month. We will provide the treats, serve, and visit with the members.
We did St. Mark's Lutheran April 7. We are going to do Zion Lutheran July 14 and are going to do Trinity Wausau in late September.